Before: I am not sure what this poem means but I do know it is confusing. It is contradictory. It says "the time is right and the night is long" and then it says "the night is brief and the time is wrong." Is it right or wrong? Is it about animals meeting under the full moon? Or closer to Noah's Ark? Two by two?
Is it about monkeys? Playing in the trees and watering the vines?
After: After hearing from Caitlin and Tom about their thoughts and listening to the actual song, there are some different ideas that come to mind and make better sense than my monkey theory. Someone said their thought was that it was about war. I like that idea now.
Reality: The Ides of March is the middle of March. In reality, we won't know. The truth is in the mind of the author
This is my blog dedicated to the understanding and discussion of education in different Medias. As children progress through their years of education, they need different methods to continue to stimulate and entertain them. Different Medias play a large part in this. We change from radio to television and films to print and books and finally to the newest type of media, the internet.
It's important to keep children entertained in school. If they are not enjoying the educational process in some way, their attention will waiver and it will become tougher and tougher for them to want to stay in school and earn their degrees and learn lessons to keep with them in life.
Not every media works for every grade or subject of education. When I took driver's education, we watched a film that showed images of car accidents. This was incredibly effective because of the visual images that remained with me. Ten years later, I always remember some of those pictures when I take long car trips. The progression of the internet into education is a very effective teaching method. The vast amount of information of the internet always anyone to recall numerous websites and volumes of information at the click of a button. Unfortunately, it is not a perfect system for everyone because some people still prefer the older methods of going to the library and using an actual paper card catalog.