What This Blog is About.....

Posted by Beth-Jo Gewirtz on 12:40 PM

This is my blog dedicated to the understanding and discussion of education in different Medias. As children progress through their years of education, they need different methods to continue to stimulate and entertain them. Different Medias play a large part in this. We change from radio to television and films to print and books and finally to the newest type of media, the internet.

It's important to keep children entertained in school. If they are not enjoying the educational process in some way, their attention will waiver and it will become tougher and tougher for them to want to stay in school and earn their degrees and learn lessons to keep with them in life.

Not every media works for every grade or subject of education. When I took driver's education, we watched a film that showed images of car accidents. This was incredibly effective because of the visual images that remained with me. Ten years later, I always remember some of those pictures when I take long car trips. The progression of the internet into education is a very effective teaching method. The vast amount of information of the internet always anyone to recall numerous websites and volumes of information at the click of a button. Unfortunately, it is not a perfect system for everyone because some people still prefer the older methods of going to the library and using an actual paper card catalog.


Comment by Mark G. on January 24, 2010 at 1:51 PM

You’re absolutely right in saying that children need to be stimulated constantly or else they will have a harder time when it comes to things like focusing on class and what not, as they will be spending their thoughts elsewhere. However, I believe that there should be some kind of restraint on how far children are allowed to take things such as the internet and television, do you not? If they are given no parameters (especially at a young age,) then I am afraid many will just take advantage of the tools in front of them for personal, material gain, and spend little to no time with their actual duties as students.

I believe that parents should moderate the time children spend online and watching television with doing school work and studying until they are old and mature enough to moderate it themselves, however difficult that may be.

Comment by Anonymous on January 24, 2010 at 9:57 PM

I definitely agree that children should be drawn into their lesson, in an innovative and entertaining way, which is what media technology allows. Thanks through the advent of computers and pc games, pre-schoolers are taught basic mathematical skills and their first vowels. It’s just important to be able to differentiate between a learning game and one that won’t teach them anything. Of course we can’t rely solely on technology, for books still can teach a child to dream and imagine different worlds. Furthermore, if we constantly rely on technology, pretty soon it will lose its appeal, and children will eventually get bored.

Comment by Caitlin McGinn on January 26, 2010 at 3:36 PM

I agree with what you said about kids needing to be stimulated. Whether we like it or not, kids today are much less book, or paper oriented. They spend their time online, or watching TV and playing video games. I think books are immensely important but I think the internet and videos are good for futher explanations of the materia, and to help keep their attention. All types of research abilites are important. When I teach I will want my students to be able to analyze all the information they find. Just because something is a book does not make it more relevant than an online source, and vice versa.


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