My uncle was a quiet man
Neither wild or weak
He was an old oak
Standing strong in the wind
While we are loud
He was soft
Peaceful and fresh
As a caterpillar
He entered his cocoon
Leaving his shell on Earth
Now he soars
His soul flying free
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This was one of those poems where the title misleads you- in a good way. I also love the clip at the end- that is one Simpson's I have never seen- a rarity.
That is beautifully written. My uncle is actually the opposite in regards to being quiet and calm. He can be a party animal that does not know his age but he does not care. My cousins refer to their dad as an OG. This poem actually reminds me of my grandpa who was a quiet but magnificient soul who entered his cocoon back in January 2002.
The addition of the youtube clip really makes a difference for the poem, it adds a nice accent. The poem is short but sweet and truly makes you ponder things once you are done.
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